Tucker…A cat with a definite attitude

The newest addition to our household …….Tucker

We have a new resident in our home. He is stubborn, reckless, undisciplined, incorrigible, and has declared himself king. At not even ten pounds, that’s a lot of inflated ego. His name is Tucker. Contrary to his appearance in the pictures shown in this post, Tucker is not a black cat, his fur is a deep, dark seal skin brown. When he is illuminated from behind, red highlights shine from his fur and the brown is revealed. Don’t feel fooled, we thought he was black the first ten weeks he lived here.

Osprey looking for lunch in the weeds.

The way he became a member of our family is interesting. Mrs. G was doing some gardening in our yard, when she noticed an osprey circling and dipping down over something. Regardless of common thought, ospreys will add a snake or mouse to its fish diet if they’re easily available. Though not a fan of rats or snakes, Mrs. G hurried to see the intended victim. It was a very young kitten someone had dumped on our street. Whether the osprey was serious about having a kitty for lunch, Mrs. G was convinced. After an attempt to find an owner, Mrs. G pronounced we had a new family member and named him Tucker.

My new buddy

Tucker is either fearless or stupid. He is willing to stand his ground and/or attack anything. Two examples: There are places like tabletops, stoves etc. that are verboten for pets in this house. Tucker doesn’t move when water is squirted on him or when a folded newspaper swats his backside to make him exit no trespass zones. He attacks me by getting a running start and leaping on me like he was a leopard. I weigh 80; he weighs 9.5. I literally pick him up in my mouth but that doesn’t phase him. All things considered, I think he’ll survive. That is if he doesn’t destroy the Geezer’s notes for a novel…again!




Pardon the Interruption…

Damage to the road going to the Geezer & my home on Pine Island

I had hoped to post more frequently after we returned home from our trip to North Carolina. First, I procrastinated and took a short cut…that was my last post. Then a series of visitors, unplanned events and deadlines occurred. Then there were ominous maps and words coming from the TV. The Geezer has lived in Florida through too many hurricane seasons to not keep his eyes focused on one that could threaten Pine Island and Bokeelia. When Ian poked its ugly head off the African coast he said, “That’s one we need to watch. Storm’s coming from that region can come our way when they form in September.”

We made preliminary plans to stay in place and sit it out. Then it entered the Carribean. As soon as he saw it had a great potential to intensify, he changed our plans…we’d evacuate. That was regardless of the forecast path. He and Mrs. G had the eye of Charley pass directly over our house in 2004, though the hurricane prognosticators were positive that storm would hit Tampa. When one weather-guesser thought it “might” move east, he said, “We’re out of here.” He gathered up the meds, clothes, computers, Mrs. G, Missy and me and headed inland.

We left for a place named Lake Placid and the Holiday Inn. The Geezer felt confident we were out of the cone enough to only get a tiny brush. OH, CONTRAIRE! The eye of Ian was determined to seek us out. We checked in late Monday and watched as Ian did a Charley! By Tuesday night winds howled around the windows and it wasn’t long before we lost power. It was still off when we left that Friday.

Pine Island residents look to save a portion of their lives from Ian’s rath.

A close friend offered us refuge in the Gainesville area. We accepted and have been safe and comfortable in his home since (now one week). The best things we are fortunate to have in life are good friends! Seeing what is happening in our home county is heart-rending. We have talked to many friends and their stories sadden us so. It will be a time until my next post — but I’m a version of a canine MacArthur, I will return.




Catching up…The Grave with Greener Grass…goes in high gear!

It’s been over a month since my previous post. I’ve been that busy. With excellent reviews and lots of promotional events, I’ve been derelict in my blog postings. I’ll let pictures catch you up on my travels in the past 45 days! 


It’s Christmas in August at the Venice FL Community Center.


The Venice event was well attended.


Getting ready for the Mt Mitchell festival in Burnsville, NC.


Festival goers at the Mt. Mitchell.


“Tell me about The Grave with Greener Grass”….we heard that a lot.


Reuniting with old friends!


On to the Sourwood Festival in Black Mountain NC (near Asheville)


Buying books at the Sourwood Festival…


Buying more books in Black Mountain…that’s a good thing!


Doing an open-air book signing for The Grave with Greener Grass in Hilton Head,, SC … At the great bookstore…By hand Ink…

I’m in the process of planning a 24 bookstore tour through the state of Florida. As soon as its firm I’ll post it here. I’m looking forward to seeing you then.




How cool is this!

Main Street, you have to love it!

The Geezer and Mrs. G have made it official! I get to go on an adventure. In the near future (they haven’t told me when) we all will go to North Carolina. Not to big cities. To festivals held in the mountains. In cool refreshing unhurried small towns where America still lives. I’ll get to sit on the side of a mountain and enjoy the view.

Returning to a totally different world…..and loving it!

The Geezer is touring, promoting his newest mystery, The Grave with Greener Grass. We’ll be in Burnsville at the Mt. Mitchell Arts & Craft Festival August the 5th & 6th. The following week we’ll be in Black Mountain (near Asheville) to attend the Sourwood Festival on August 13th & 14th. He’ll be stopping at By Hand Ink (in Hilton Head, SC) for a book signing on August 16 from 10 to 2. These are great events!

The Mt. Mitchell Craft Fair in Burnsville

Shopping at the Sourwood Festival

DL (that’s the Geezer) has prepared an exhibit about the early history of Spanish exploration of western NC. It something not widely known and very interesting. The Spanish tried to establish colonies four decades before Jamestown! Come visit us!




Hey, that’s more than a love bite!

The Geezer and Mrs. G are off to something to do with sharks this weekend. It’s called Sharkcon. The Geezer told me that it is held so people will appreciate the place these big fish hold in the environmental chain. If you want to learn more about these predators, you can join him and Mrs. G at the Florida State Fair Grounds in Tampa this Saturday and Sunday. He will be in booth 624. The Geezer will be meeting and greeting the readers in the crowd.

Talk about a big mouth!

I have to stay home with the house sitter.

What humans do!

Watching humans sweat outside from the cool bed inside. Ain’t life grand?

I watched from a vantage point in the air conditioning as the Geezer and Mrs. G. toiled away loading their vehicle with books, displays, history corner, etc. for the show tomorrow. They visit the Venice Community Center for Christmas in July, tomorrow, Saturday, 10 to 3. My canine intellect rebels. Christmas in July? What???

Missy, my feline housemate, laid down next to me. She wiggled her whiskers like she does when she tries to say something profound. Missy opined, “Can you believe humans? Why in the world would you leave this cool house to sweat in that 95-degree heat?”

I answered, “You have to do, what you have to do.” That’s one of the Geezer’s favorite answers.

“At one in the afternoon? Daaaaaa.” Missy looked disgusted. “They could have waited until later.”

“It might rain later,” I defended.

“Aaaaaa, Brandi, it won’t rain from 5 to midnight.”

“It could,” I knew what she’d say next.

“Humans, most of them, are cranially challenged,” purred Missy.

“Prove it! “I challenged.

“They elected Biden, didn’t they?”

Sometimes there just isn’t an answer.


Sometimes ads appear at the bottom of my blogs. I have NO input into what goes there. If you see political ads from any side at this time of national division know that I consider them TRASH!


I love people!

I Love to meet people! Particularly nice ones!

I get to go! At least, I hope so. The Geezer is officially introducing his new mystery The Grave with Greener Grass, this Saturday. If it isn’t too hot, I’ll be there to meet his friends and fans. We’ll be at the Matlacha Menagerie from 10 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. That’s at 4604 Pine Island Rd, Matlacha, FL. Come see us!



What’s new under the sun? It’s still HOT!

Trying to keep cool isn’t easy in Florida summers. Here I try a little belly up.

Summer has arrived. With the longest day of the year comes the official beginning of ‘hotter than hell,’ time. Problem is, Florida summers start as early as the last of March. Ninety-degree temperatures begin then, and they don’t go away until November. Well, the Geezer reminds me that’s true for the part of Florida where we live. Near the Everglades. We’re on the edge of the tropics.

Our Neighbors have different ways of keeping cool when they venture outside. Running through sprinklers. Putting handkerchiefs loaded with ice tied around their necks. Drinking beer and salty dogs under the palm trees. One lady cools off by pouring cold water over her tee shirt and speeding up and down the street on her golf cart. Unfortunately, it heats up some of the local lads.

My canine friends have a few tricks. A dip in the canal cools us. (We’re on salt water in an area with no gators) Sharing the sprinklers works. My friend Winston waits for his humans to empty their cooler.

Winston’s refrain — “Ice! Ice! My country for some ice!

The summer heat also keeps me from going on as many of the adventures the Geezer and Mrs. G make. The outdoors ones. They say it is too hot for me to bake in the sun. I can’t help but wonder if it’s too hot for me, what about them? I hope to go on some that are held inside. I will be able to make the trip to the mountains later in the summer!

The Geezer is very, very busy. He is introducing his latest novel, “The Grave with Greener Grass.” He has several local events in southwest Florida beginning with a signing at Matlacha Menagerie on July the second. That’s his “home bookstore” on Pine Island where he introduces his new books. Monday he’ll be on the radio with talk show host Bob Alexander in Port Charlotte. He’ll be at SharkCon, at the Florida Fair Grounds in Tampa the weekend of the July 16th. He has five additional presentations at country

clubs, fairs, etc. in July. Oh, well…You relax…find a shady spot…Keep cool!



The High Cost of Bones….

Hey!  I’m not on the Biden diet!

Inflation! It even affects we canines! I happened to meet with a few of the neighborhood members of the dogs only Hambone Chowder & Marching Society. We compared notes. It seems many of our households are so impacted by the stupidity coming out of Washington that some of my canine friends are on reduced rations or…none at all. You can be a fly on the wall and listen to part of what my brothers and sisters had to say:

“It is simply so embarrassing I don’t want to bark about it,” Fifi, our debutante poodle oozed indignation.

I asked, “What’s got your panties in a wad?”

“Would you believe my humans are adding dried food to my Freshpet? My taste buds are delicate — I am not sure they will survive.”

“Stop complaining,” Rex the Rottweiler growled, “They put me on dry food two months ago. At first, they poured some broth over it, so it didn’t hurt my gums. Now they stopped doing that.”

Everybody looked around at everyone else. Believe me, there were no wagging tails.

“I guess it’s affecting all of us. I don’t like to complain, but my humans haven’t bought my Milk Bone treats for the last three weeks. I feel deprived.” Lucy, a Cocker Spaniel, told the truth about the high cost of bones. She lied about not wanting to complain. She loves to do that.

Whiskey Girl is a Visla and always thinks of solutions. “I’ve tried sitting with my back to the bowl when my humans tried feeding me the bargain brand. My hunger strike only lasted a day. Has anybody figured out a protest that works?”

Our resident Jack Russell woofed, “No! My sure-fire method to get my way is to sit and stare at them. It always works…until now.”

“You guys shouldn’t complain,” Manny our Chihuahua whimpered, “My humans always said I could live on a peanut a week. I think, they think, that’s real.”

“That’s horrible!” I yelped.

“You Goldens do have a heart,” Spot our streetwise Mongrel said.

I asked, “What are you eating now?” Spot just looked away.

“Our humans have to do something about this!” I growled. “My humans, the Geezer and Mrs. G, are writing to Congress.”

Rex volunteered, “My humans say they think they’ll burn Washington…Just as soon as they can afford the gas to do it.”

On a serious note, don’t forget the least powerful

members of our families. Be sure they’re cared for during

these tough times!

Visit    http://www.dlhavlin.wordpress.com   for the latest news about the Geezer.


Hi everybody! I’ll be back posting next week…


Hi. I’ll be back in posting action starting next week!                                         The Geezer has been hogging the computer the last four months! He’s finished his mad rush writing and I’ll be at the keyboard again? Look for me here — next week!

There is one possible reason I won’t! I have figure out the horrible changes the WordPress people have made. It’s as if they wish to discourage people from using it. WordPress? WordMess! 

Their no categories or tags because I can’t access the work I’ve done for 15 years.